Thursday 19 March 2015

BOOK REVIEW: "Ramayana - The Game of Life: Shattered Dreams"

Book Name: Ramayana - The Game Of Life: Shattered Dreams (Part-II)
ISBN: 978-81-849-531-6
Pages: 387
Price: INR 350
Author: Shubha Vilas
Publisher: JAICO Publishing house

The book titled - "Ramayana - The Game Of Life (Shattered Dreams) Part- II is the second book in the series Ramayana- The Game of life where the part-I titled "The Rise Of Sun Prince” which was a great success and a feather in the cap for Shubha Vilas who is a successful writer, motivational speaker and a philanthropist.

In this book, author tried to compare the mainstream of today’s modern day life with the life and condition which is explained in the epic –Ramayana. Kudos to author for how well he narrated the part of Ram exile and connected it with the way and thoughts of great Valmiki to today’s world scenarios and how it still has its own part to play. It is so interesting to relate the part of our lives with the Lord Ram’s life that problems are part of life and solutions are everywhere, what matter is how you find it and execute it.

The book revolves around the life of many - Rama, Dasratha, Kekeyi, Bharat, Laxman and other so many characters. It highlights the drama of Rama's exile. The simplicity of Rama's life is being brought out largely in the book which simply personifies his character and image. The books is well narrated, it is easy to grasp and compare to the present situations and scenarios of life. The best part of the book is that it links and teaches the mythology by relating concepts from Ramayana by applying them to the dealings and schedules of the life of recent times. It closely brings out the relations and associations of man's life and the hurdles and complexity which develops in this relational web.

This book has lot to offer , reading this make one realize that not only work or money is to be managed but management of life and relations in a simple , sensitive and meaningful way is outmost necessity . It also focus on the necessity of optimism and mental stability in terms of taking decisions which can have a huge impact in all lives.

The footnotes in the book enlighten and enthuse one with the solutions of lots of questions and doubts that come up in the connection of one's life by providing an insight through the quotes and lessons. The lessons of relationships, trust, faith, discipline, rules, regulations, forgiveness, obedience, amongst the whole list of morals and life's values.

I think author has done complete justice to the great epic Ramayana by detailing the characters and bringing out their relevance in present scenario. And the title is completely justified and it is truly a journey about a game of shattered dreams which turned out to be beautiful saga named - Ramayana.

About the author : Shubha Vilas is a spiritual seeker and a motivational speaker who graduated as an engineer and also as a patent lawyer specializing in intellectual property law. He believes that a good teacher sees learning and teaching as integral twin aspects of personal and spiritual growth.

Rating: 4.5/5 Just go for it!!!!

To buy at Amazon just click 

This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!

Sunday 18 January 2015



Laundry!!! When this word comes to the mind, mind start to point to the female member of the family and if you dare ask any male member, “why don’t you wash your clothes”?
A male egoistic reply will be thrown at you “why me, that is not my work???
Harsh isn't, one side we talk/hear about women equality or women empowerment, then why man should be the judging parameter? Why the work done by men should be set as standards to achieve by women of the society? Why no standards are set for men keeping, works of women as standards? Equality means from both the ends right!!! That is why our society is still biased and male dominant.

One BIG Question “Is laundry only a woman’s job”?? Seriously I never thought about it , I really want to thank  & ARIEL to come up with a wonderful theme which will make all the men to think, why only women should take the charge of Laundry? Why can’t Men do?
Some will say “we earn for the family”, some will say “it is women destined work”, some will say “that we have been seeing this in society don’t change it”, some will say “leave it they will do”. But guys don’t you think , u need to give a break to all these obsolete /orthodox or 18 century ideas and should think seriously about it, why only women is assigned or women are thought to do laundry even in the 21st century?

Yes I know that in past gals/ladies/women used to take care of house, raising children and men used to be the sole bread earner for the family but as time passed the scenario changed, it took a complete turn around and today’s women is well educated, matching step to step with men and an equal partner in earning too, So those who says “we are earning, they are earning too…”. Where it is written “Laundry only a women job”?? Some will say “women excel the art of cleaning clothes”. When a women can, why can’t men excel? If they can do what men used to do, why can’t men can do what they used to do?
I am not asking to deliver a child: P, Just laundry, c’mon men can also do let’s check the stats what survey highlights, its little shocking and a mirror to this orthodox society too.

You will be shocked to know that, the stats you see above are the result of survey conducted by AC Nielsen in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad & Bangalore, in November 2014 
(1000 person)

Let me take an example, not from society but from my family itself, my mother is a homemaker and my father is in business, so by default laundry is thought to be task assigned to my mother. Sometimes if my mother ask for help, she has to insist so many times then he will think to help, if some match is going on surely, he will think let ignore some time she will wind up in the meantime. But main thing is that when my mother fell sick and father has to do laundry, which rarely happens, He will think that, what a big favor I did? Why? Is this his fault, No!! It’s the fault of our society in which more than 76% male thinks, this the work to be done by the female counterpart and this thinking needs to be changed when women can step into men shoes by working and managing home too , why can’t a men can help her in making her journey a smooth one! Stats reveals 85% women thinks they have to take care of both work and household task and more than 77% women thinks that men prefer relaxing rather giving a helping hand for household task!!!
 Let them to come forward and to change this stats. Seriously the boys/men who are reading this, I expect a change in the society and a salute for all women for doing great job and managing all.

Let’s see a TVC and judge yourself, how often it happen at your home? 


“I am writing for #IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob activity at in association with Ariel.”

Friday 16 January 2015

time which changes everything !!!

people we love too changes..with time...
The love fades away...the bonds...lives with feeble..ray....
Just gaps deeps..relations somewhere creeps...
if u feel so...if your relations are already got a way 2 go...
Don't be a foe... Don't see more...only one cure...

Say no... in one go...don't let the heart die...
Don't let it fight for single sight.... </3
Be free & let it on a open air spree
Let it realize..
people we love too changes..with time..we will soon be fine....:)
One day we will get one who will match our rhyme...:)

Some one wacky !!!
This page will give a insight to the process of Saponifacation with some important 
chemical equation which are not given in N.C.E.R.T or S. CHAND 
of class 10th Std.
      the pictorial /animated image can help you to understand it better have a look  

Key Concepts about soaps and saponification :

  • Soaps are produced during the chemical reaction known as saponification.
  • Saponification is the reaction between a fat or oil and a base, producing glycerol and a salt (soap) 
  • fat or oil + base -----> glycerol + salt (soap)
  • Soaps are usually sodium or potassium salts of long-chain fatty acids
  • Soaps are cleaning agents or detergents.
  • Molecules of soap are made up of two parts: 
  • a non-polar , hydrophobic tail consisting of a long hydrocarbon chain 
  • a hydrophilic, negatively charged, carboxylate ion (anion) head
  • Hydrophobic: aversion to water, not readily wettable by water. 
  • Hydrophilic: affinity for water, wettable by water

Saponification :

fat or oil

Example of saponification :

glyceryl tristearate
+sodium stearate
(salt, soap)

Most soaps are made from vegetable oils such as olive oil, palm oil and coconut oil.
Some soaps are made from animal fats (tallows).
Potassium soaps tend to be softer and more water-soluble than the corresponding sodium soap.
Soaps from unsaturated fatty acids are softer than those from saturated fatty acids.

Cleaning Action of Soaps (mechanism) :

When a soap such as sodium stearate dissolves in water, carboxylate anions and metal cations are produced:

CH3(CH2)16COO-(aq) + Na+(aq)

Action of micelles in Removal of dirt from the cloth

The non-polar, hydrophobic, long hydrocarbon chain end of the carboxylate ion attaches to non-polar dirt, grease and oil.
The hydrophilic, carboxylate anion end is attracted to polar water molecules by ion -dipole interaction 
Soap micelles, clusters of soap molecules in which the hydrocarbon chains are attracted to each other by Van der Waals forces (dispersion forces, London forces, weak intermolecular forces), surround the non-polar dirt particle, with the anion heads attracted to the surrounding water.
When agitated, the soil particle surrounded by soap micelles breaks free and remains dispersed in the washing water because the carboxylate anions repel each other.
The soil particle surrounded by soap micelles forms an emulsion in the washing water. An emulsion is a suspension of one liquid in another liquid. Soap is an emulsifying agent because it allows oil to be suspended in water.

As a cleaning agent, soap suffers from two main drawbacks :

  • it does not function well in acidic solutions because of the formation of insoluble fatty acid 
    eg. CH3(CH2)16COO-Na+(aq) + HCl(aq) -----> CH3(CH2)16COOH(s) + Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
  • it forms insoluble precipitates with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions present in hard water, forming a scum
    eg. 2CH3(CH2)16COO-Na+(aq) + Ca2+(aq) -----> [CH3(CH2)16COO-]2Ca2+(s) + 2Na+(aq)

Additives such as sodium carbonate and phosphates can help offset these effects.
synthetic are increasingly being used instead of soaps because they do not suffer from these disadvantages to the same extent.


ISOMERS : A topic which confuse maximum time and a question just spark in the mind "isomers" but how many can be made....
There are two ways to find the number of isomers and to draw the isomers of given hydrocarbon
1st : The Arthur Cayley method, the older way to give you approximation of the number of isomers can be made
2nd: Set of five rules which will never fail to get you to the correct isomers and its no. too.
but before illustrating it further lets see what are isomers actually?????
Name ISOMER is given by two Greek words:
ISOMERS are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structral formula, ISOMERS do not necessarily share similar properties, unless they have same functional group (-x,-oH etc)

The first and old way to find the no. of isomers :

In 1875, a mathematician named Arthur Cayley came up with a mathematical formula to calculate the number of isomers. Unfortunately, this--and all other non-computerized methods developed since then--was disproved.

You can, however, extrapolate the number of isomers of a given alkane from the "enumeration" sequence he created.

RULE for Arthur Cayley METHOD :

Consider all alkanes in the following terms:

CnH(2n+2). Keeping this in mind, determine "n" for your particular compound.
For example, if you have C5H12 (pentane), "n" = 5.

Consult Cayley's Sequence to determine how many isomers this "n" alkane has.

For any alkane CnH(n+2), where "n" is any integer between 1 and 20
The following sequence represents the number of isomers possible (Cayley's Sequence) :
1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 18, 35, 75, 159, 355, 802, 1858, 4347, 10359, 24894, 60523, 148284, 366319.
In the case of C5H12 (pentane) -which has five carbons (n=5) and therefore represented by the fifth integer of the sequence--the answer is three ( 3 ISOMERS).

***** rest will be updated soon *****

Journey from ‘OR’ to ‘AND’

Life is another name for compromises and at every stage one has to do some or other compromise to move further. We all have one person among us and in our family, who never thinks to compromise, rather choose to fight and do what is good for all.
Can you guess? Yes, she is “mother” right from the beginning, for their life they start a fight within itself, with nature and at last with society, they don’t keep option of “OR” for themselves but they always choose “AND” instead.
I would like to share an incident which will prove my thought that “GALS”, “LADIES” are the pillar for a family. I am saying so because they choose to fight rather than thinking for an alternative.
This incident take me around 18 years back in past of my life and I was around 6-7 years old, my younger brother was around 3-4 years old. , My father was facing a severe downfall in the business and was on a back foot on financial front, he was broken and seeing the scenario my mother was worried about my studies and to raise both of us .My mother sensed the coming problems prior to the time. She had to make a choice of taking care of both of her children “OR” helping my father by doing JOB. My father said you take care of the family I will manage, but she was seeing, it was getting tough for my father to manage in handful resources. She showed her true character and took a bold step doing job in bank and taking care of us too.
We all knew it was going to be tough for all, especially for my mother but she chose a path of “AND” rather than “OR”. It was a great boost for my father as he was relaxed and free from some problems and could concentrate on reviving the business.
My mother’s decision worked for our family, father business started flourishing and got its pace back and my mother continued the job for some years. It was her efforts and hard work, how she managed family after job and that too with two small children. It was her who made a solid foundation for everyone to step up, it was her who was strong in her action and thoughts which acted as a pillar of support to our family .It was her “&” which made all difference.

Check this video surely , It will inspire you , not to limit yourself.

“This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus“.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Miss time!

Miss time! The title can be seen in many ways, the way I am looking is not far, what you all might be thinking. But it has bit of both miss and a chance which I would have missed, it is seriously, about a, about to miss chance to bring that miss into my life. Yes!  Like everyone I too got a chance to get a lady love in my life , what happened was I used to go for jogging daily and being a Arjun Kapoor fan I kept beard and thought myself to be macho , before that I used to be clean shaved . A gal of my society used to come for jogging too, and daily we used to see each other jogging and sometimes we used to pass the smiles too. It was going good, we started exchanging hi and bye too. This was going smoothly, until I watched two back to back movies of Arjun Kapoor with a beard, being a die-hard fan after watching the movie went for the same beard style and thought that I should ask her number next day for sure , thinking myself to be Arjun Kapoor went for jogging and after some time , I saw her coming as soon as she crossed, I passed smile , but today the response was dull and a halfhearted smile bounced back from her side, I thought she may be tensed and all that is the reason  but this happened for around 3 – 4 days and for next 4-5 days , I didn't saw her in the jogging park, I thought what happened to her and till that time I came back into my original style with a clean shaved face , I went the next day and seen her she seem to be happy and nice again smile exchanged with a hi and she returned the same energy , I felt good and confident and that day after so long hi and bye we exchanged sentences not only words , today we are committed and why that dull hi and bye started was because of my step of keeping a beard , she like me when I am with a clean-shaven face 

'This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette'

you never know

Life changes with a blink of an eye, seriously you never know what can happen and when? The day was my examination of my graduation and my friend Ramesh a very decent guy in all aspects just had a bet before exam that, he will not shave till the end of exams that sound weird. Yes wired but nothing can be done Boys! Will be Boys!  On the day of second last exam, the external checking squad entered the room and started checking the id’s and other things to catch the defaulters. Turn came to my friend Ramesh, ID card shows a clean shaved and smart boy pic and the reality was totally contrasting which made the squad alert and seeing scrubby face and he was unshaven from last 15 days , giving a “baba” types look , he was clear on his part but the doubt in the mind due to his unshaven face , led him to problem and after 30 min he came back , which a down face , he said principle confirmed then he was allowed and whole process took around 30 min and nothing can make up that time loss , that too in final semester exams . That day he realized that clean shaven face not only make you look, younger, smart but keep you away from these types of problems. On his 23rd birthday whole batch gifted him a Gillette kit including a Mach 3 Turbo, Gillette shaving gel, Gillette shaving brush and other essentials. He won the bet, but this bet made him to learn a lesson that how well is to be clean shaven rather an unshaven face. Whenever we meet, no one forgets to recollect that day and that bet and after 2 years still that day has a solid impact in our lives and all try to be clean shaved.

'This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette'